Welcome to KAPOW@SPLAT

June 28, 2007

Hi kids,

My name is Saurav and I welcome you to KAPOW@SPLAT, The Shrewsbury Public Library Summer Comic Book Camp for kids. We’re going to learn how a comic book is made and make our own mini-comics written and drawn by you in this camp.

If you have signed up at the Library, post a comment here, introducing yourself (use the first name of your secret identity 🙂 only please, no full names and which superhero name you’d like to be known as in KAPOW). Look at my comment below for an example of how to post.

Let us know what comic books you read and what kind of comics you like. Take a look at the Young Adults section of the Shrewsbury Library for an awesome collection of Comics and Graphic Novels. If you feel like it share what superpowers you have too 😀

If you have any questions email either me or Sarah at the Shrewsbury Public Library.

Looking forward to having a blast. 

 If you live in Shrewsbury, MA and would like to sign up contact a librarian at Shrewsbury Public Library.


Saurav aka Mo-Man 🙂